Research interests
International public law, theory of international law, human rights, comparative legal studies, international criminal law, European Union law
Work experience
November 2010 – present: Member of Academic Board/ Teaching Fellow, Centre for Lifelong Learning in Human Rights, Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
December 2009 – present: Senior Lecturer, Department of European and International Law,
Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
August 2005 – December 2009: Assistant Lecturer, Department of European and International Law,
Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
October 2003 – October 2006: Associated Research Fellow, Centre of International Security and European Cooperation, Pierre Mendes France University, Grenoble (France)
August 2013 – present: web-site officer, Jean Monnet Chair in European Law, Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
July 2002 – July 2005: Postgraduate studies, Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
1997-2002: Specialist (MA equivalent) in Law, Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
1997-2002: Specialist (MA equivalent) in Linguistic and Translation Studies (French and English), Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, Nizhniy Novgorod Linguistic University (Russia)
Teaching experience
September 2005 – present: Lectures and seminars “International Criminal Law”, MA level, Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
September 2005 – present: Seminars “International Public Law”, BA level, Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
September 2007 – present: Lectures and seminars “ECHR Case-law in the Russian Legal Order”, MA level, Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
January 2007 – present: Seminars “International and European Protection of Human Rights”, BA level, Faculty of Law, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia)
October 2012: Lectures “International Law of Treaties”, “International Criminal Law” in the framework of a lifelong learning program for civil servants and customs officials, Faculty of Law, NNovgorod State University
March 2012, December 2010: Lectures and seminars on the implementation of the ECHR in Russia in the framework of Lifelong learning program for legal officials in the Volga Federal District (co-organized and funded by The Committee Against Torture)
September – December 2011: Lectures and seminars for undergraduate students in the framework of additional study program “Legal translators/interpreters” (“ECHR Case-law and its implementation in Russia”, “Procedure in the ECHR”)
Awards, externally funded research and professional training
Academy of European Law Summer Course ‘Human Rights as Cosmopolitan Law? Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations in International Law’ (2 weeks), European University Institute (Florence, Italy) /June 2013
May 2009: Twinning-exchange program grant for one-month research at the Amsterdam Centre for International Law, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
June 2009: TEMPUS grant (TEMPUS TACIS FORCONDHO VOLGA JEP_27043 -2006) for professional training at the University of Amsterdam and study visit at The International Court of Justice, The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and The International Criminal Court (The Hague, The Netherlands)
September – October 2008: TEMPUS grant (TEMPUS TACIS BOLOGNA-JURIS JEP_25146-2004) for professional training at Pierre Mendes France University (Grenoble, France) and the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, France)
December 2006: TEMPUS grant (TEMPUS TACIS BOLOGNA- JURIS JEP_25146-2004) for research at Robert Schuman University (Strasbourg, France) and a study visit at the European Court of Human Rights
2003-2005: EGIDE/Eiffel Research Fellowship (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
2003: Rhône-Alpes region scholarship (MIRA) for research at the CESICE (Pierre Mendes France University)
2003: Summer school “Future of Pan-Europeanism”, Pierre Mendes France University, Grenoble (France)
2002: Summer school “Europe in Transition”, Pierre Mendes France University, Grenoble (France)
2002: TEMPUS grant (TEMPUS TACIS VOLGADOC JEP_22196-2001) for four-months study internship, at the Centre of International Security and European Cooperation, Law Faculty, Pierre Mendes France University, Grenoble (France)
October – December 2001: Student exchange grant for study Internship at Pierre Mendes France University, Law Faculty, Grenoble (France)
Participation in conferences and other academic events
September 2013: ‘EU Action against Human Trafficking in the Post-Soviet Space: Making Use or Being Useful for EU External Policies in the Region?’ (paper co-authored with Oleg Korneev), presented by the co-author at the UACES annual conference in Leeds (UK).
April 2013: ‘Protection of human rights and limits of state sovereignty’, paper presented at the conference ‘Humanities in the 21st century’, Nizhny Novgorod.
Octobre 2012: “International Legal Order and the Role of Russia”, Kazan State University, Law Faculty.
May 2012: “EU – Russia Common Spaces: Current Challenges and Ways of Tackling Them”, Velikiy Novgorod State University (Russia), organized by the EU Studies Centre at Baltic Federal University, funded by the European Commission.
February 2011-2012: Nizhniy Novgorod State University Team Coach for Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, National Round, Moscow State Law Academy.
November 2011: “Innovations in Legal Studies”, Law Faculty, Nizhniy Novgorod State University.
October 2010: Conference in memory of Professor R. Bobrov, Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University.
June 2004: Conference “International and European Law: Impact on the protection of Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law”, Law Faculty, Nizhniy Novgorod State University.
December 2004: Conference "La menace terroriste, manifestations et parades", CESICE, Pierre Mendes France University, Grenoble (France)
2004 - 2012: Annual Conferences of the International Law Association (Russian branch).